
Friday, December 21, 2012

Big chop Dec 15, 2012

My last true relaxer was January 15, 2012; however, November 2nd 2012 I did do a relaxer using the silky hawaii no base relaxer in mild but it did not process my hair at all. I thought about going natural, but I kept pushing it off by using different treatments to cure my breakage problem. No treatment really helped my breakage problem for long term. I hated the fact that when  I wash my hair I would loose so much hair, sometimes it would make me cry just to wash my hair. December 15 I deep conditioned and wash my hair as usual. ( I did not plan on doing  a big chop at all) I felt that my hair breakage problem was not improving and I knew in my guts I had to cut my relaxed hair off. I got out my scissors and cut my relaxed ends off! I was a little nervous because my hair was grazing waist length. My long hair was beautiful when it was blow dried and flat iron. I experience little breakage when my hair is in its dry state, but the process of drying and flat ironing would let me loose so much hair.  I always get compliments when I wear my hair out straight, but I just hate my hair in its wet state because of all the breakage. I know I was really ready to go natural this time for the health of my hair. My first big chop in 2007, I never really give my hair a chance to thrive. I was really impatient with my hair and since I am military and was not in the states to get all the right products for natural hair I gave up and got a relaxer. Now I am better educated about natural hair, and have ease of access to the right products.

I measured my hair and I have at least 5 inches of  natural all around my head and some parts is 5.5 inches

After my big chop my hair is 100% better.  This is the my breakage after my first wash. I am so excited.
I am wearing my hair in wigs now because it is easier for me to take care of my hair that way now. My plan is to keep  wearing wigs until I can put my hair in a bun.


  1. Wow! Such a big step! I don't know if I could have done it. But I would love to be natural. Just figuring out how and when I will start that journey :)

    1. I now it's a huge step so I think I'm ready to take the natural hair path. You can start your natural hair journey by starting to stretch your relaxer for 6 months or so then if you think you can handle it go for few more months. If you can make it to a year, you can decide what you want to do. Don't call it transitioning, call it stretching which is more of a mental thing. This is what happened to me. I was stretching my relaxer and playing with the idea of going natural and at 11 months post I knew I was ready to go natural. I would advise not to do a big chop because other people stretch their relaxers for 2-3 years then go fully natural.

    2. I won't be going natural anytime soon. But my goal is to be at least natural once before my 30th bday (I'm 25 now lol) Now I focus on my goal lenght with relaxed hair and that is bsl. On my journey to reach that lenght I will gradually stretch my relaxer, one step at a time. Otherwise I know I will get major breakage. Good luck on your journey! I will be following :) Thanks for the advise!
