
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Curl Pattern

When I first did my my big chop I was wondering if I am 4A, 4B, or 4C. I couldn't tell what my curl pattern was. I thought I was a 4b or 4c because I couldn't see a any curls. I think my true curl pattern is enhancing more and more with time, deep condition, and proper hair care. A month after my big chop with deep conditioning I see curls setting in. I think I am 4A.

          12/15/2012. (Freshly washed hair, I didn't think of taking a pic with conditioner in my hair, but I didn't notice a definite curl pattern when hair was wet)

                                                                          1/20/2013 (Hair with conditioner)

Do you guys notice curls start to appear in your hair a while after big chop? 

1 year natural hair ponytail

                                                                Picture 1/19/2013

I took my braids out and  attempt to see if my hair could go in a ponytail and I was successful. I don't wear my hair out in public because (I'm not good with twist extra yet, so I prefer to wear wigs.) My hair is 5" long, so the sides did not complete catch in the ponytail, I had to hold them down with bobby pins, I didn't use any gel. This post is for others who are wondering what their hair can do after 1 year of being natural.