
Sunday, April 8, 2012

CHI deep brilliance relaxer (Relaxer review)

For those of you who don't know that CHI does make a relaxer, they do and they also have a line that is catered to ethnic hair called deep brilliance. This line is a bit on the moderate to expensive side ranging from $10 to $50 for small amount of products, but they are good quality products. I used this relaxer twice in no base mild. This relaxer would have been great, but I feel it is too strong even for mild. I base my scalp heavily and I still got burned. I have one more application of this relaxer left, but I put it in the trash because my hair is breaking and it is not acting right so I want to hold off on doing a relaxer and do a 6 months stretch. (I put it in the trash because I am in the process of moving from overseas back to the states and I do not know anyone who would want the rest of it.) 

This relaxer is really creamy and does moisturize the hair during the relaxer process. My hair was still silky after the 3rd wash using the relaxer, which is a good thing. It cost $9.99 for 1lb tub which could give 3 to 4 applications for bsl length hair. I want to find another lye relaxer that is not so harsh on the scalp. (I do not have sensitive scalp) I want to try the Hawaiian silky no base in mild because I heard good reviews about it not being harsh on the scalp and plus I used to use their no lye back in 2005 and I loved it.  If I can't find a better relaxer, I would always come back to this and add oil to the relaxer to cut down on the burning, but for now I will not be repurchasing.