
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why I became a Product Junkie?

A product junkie is a person who keeps buying different hair products for their hair. I became a product junkie for a number of reasons.
1.  I became a product junkie because I did not know what my hair needed. 
2. I see people on the internet, blogs, hair forums, youtube, and friends that said this product work for them so I would go out and buy what they use. 
3. I was on numerous bandwagons like aphogee, dominican products, monistat, megatek, shapleys MTG, relaxer stretching, natural oils, ayurveda powders, sulfur challenge, castor oil challenge, cowash challenge, no shampoo method . . . You name it I was on every bandwagon.
4. I became a product junkie because products were on sale. 

I finally realize that a lot of the products I was using is not really working for my hair.  With all these products I was using I didn't see the results everyone was raving about. I wasn't focusing on the fact that everybody hair grows at a different rate.  It get me mad when I would not get the same results so I would keep going from one bandwagon to another to try to attain the results people were getting. Don't get me wrong, my hair grew a lot but I still had problems with extreme breakage, moisture problems, protein problems, detangling . . . 
I don't believe it takes having  80, 100, 120 products at once to have healthy hair! Because as of two weeks ago I had over 120 products for my hair. How sad? 
I am starting to understand what works for somebody else hair is not guaranteed to work for my hair. So there is no reason for my to run out and buy that particular product. I need to focus on what my hair needs for example protein, moisture . . . 
I will now do extensive research and only purchase sample sizes or the smallest size of products if I'm going to try anything new. And I will not have piles and piles of different shampoos, conditioners, treatments . . . when in actuality I'm not giving a product a chance to work for my hair because every wash I'm using something different and when I moisturize it is a different moisturizer.
The big draw back from this is that when something is affecting my hair in a negative way I don't really know what it is because I'm constantly using different products. 

Being a product junkie sucks!

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