
Friday, May 23, 2014

Declutter your life, declutter your bedroom

Ok so for the passed 2 months I felt like my bedroom was a drag. I felt a bit down in my room because of all the dark colors. I felt like I was going to be consumed by the room. I didn't feel at ease, I felt like my spirit was yearning for a brightened change. Its crazy the effect colors can have on one's mood! I decided I wanted to paint all the bedroom furniture in white, change the curtains, sheets and update the drawer hardwares. And that's exactly what I did.

I got all my painting supplies from Home Depot and headed to work on my bedroom. It took me 3 weeks from start to finish and that includes me working my full time job. I would work on the room after I come from work and on weekends. Please see my other post about the painting process. 

During the process I went through and purge my closet and drawers of every clothes I don't wear or in bad condition. I gave some to charity and threw out some.I am no longer burden down with stuff that I don't need or stuff that are out of place. Less stuff, less stress. 

Please disregard the disorganized mess in the first 2 pictures. My things are usually neater. As I started the process a thought came to me that I should take pictures so I can compare the before and after.

I threw away the brown comforter because I didn't know what to do with them. I felt like too much brown  was depressing for my previous room.  I bough queen size 400 thread count sheets for $20 at Ross.

 I also purchased a tan color curtain that is opaque at nights, but let natural light comes in during the daytime. I love the curtains. Cost $18 at Ross.

I kept the old bedskirt from the comforter. I was looking to buy just a white bedskirt, but the brown one works out perfectly. It serves as a brown accent for the brown blanket at the foot of the bed, brown seats
and pillows.

I also wrapped the inside of all the drawers with gift wrapping paper to give the inside of the drawers more pizzaz! Before the inside was just unfinished wood yuck!

I declutter my dresser to make it look amazing. I bought the silver trays at dollar tree for $1.00 each. They look gorgeous with my perfumes.

I love the finished process. I feel so much better in my room. It feels brighter, more peaceful and relaxing. I now get the feeling I get when I go to a hotel to stay. There is no clutter, everything is organized and in its place. Things are so organized and clean that I will not dear put things out of place because I now the hard work that went into having my room to look like this!