
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

3 year hair growth

My 3 year hair growth of being natural. My hair is growing back super fast. I don't do anything special just deep condition every week or every 2 weeks, moisturized my hair on a regular basis and style. I don't use heat that often because I am lazy to blow dry and flat iron my hair. 

Year 2:                   Year 1

Year 2:                Year 1


Following pics are year 3. Dec 2014.  My hair blow dried and flat ironed. It got bigger because I used honey in my deep conditioner and I used to much leave in before I blow dried. I don't mind because I like big hair. My hair was super soft and shiny although it doesn't show in the picture. 


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Honey, your conditioner

For high porosity 4abc hair. Add the following about 1 teaspoon to deep conditioner or conditioner to make hair softer, smoother and more moisturized.  Deep conditioned with heat for 30 mins.

**Aloe vera juice- help to close cuticles
**Olive oil-penetrate hair shaft
Grapeseed oil-ceramide to smooth hair strands.

**Vital to make the deep conditioner better. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Declutter your life, declutter your bedroom

Ok so for the passed 2 months I felt like my bedroom was a drag. I felt a bit down in my room because of all the dark colors. I felt like I was going to be consumed by the room. I didn't feel at ease, I felt like my spirit was yearning for a brightened change. Its crazy the effect colors can have on one's mood! I decided I wanted to paint all the bedroom furniture in white, change the curtains, sheets and update the drawer hardwares. And that's exactly what I did.

I got all my painting supplies from Home Depot and headed to work on my bedroom. It took me 3 weeks from start to finish and that includes me working my full time job. I would work on the room after I come from work and on weekends. Please see my other post about the painting process. 

During the process I went through and purge my closet and drawers of every clothes I don't wear or in bad condition. I gave some to charity and threw out some.I am no longer burden down with stuff that I don't need or stuff that are out of place. Less stuff, less stress. 

Please disregard the disorganized mess in the first 2 pictures. My things are usually neater. As I started the process a thought came to me that I should take pictures so I can compare the before and after.

I threw away the brown comforter because I didn't know what to do with them. I felt like too much brown  was depressing for my previous room.  I bough queen size 400 thread count sheets for $20 at Ross.

 I also purchased a tan color curtain that is opaque at nights, but let natural light comes in during the daytime. I love the curtains. Cost $18 at Ross.

I kept the old bedskirt from the comforter. I was looking to buy just a white bedskirt, but the brown one works out perfectly. It serves as a brown accent for the brown blanket at the foot of the bed, brown seats
and pillows.

I also wrapped the inside of all the drawers with gift wrapping paper to give the inside of the drawers more pizzaz! Before the inside was just unfinished wood yuck!

I declutter my dresser to make it look amazing. I bought the silver trays at dollar tree for $1.00 each. They look gorgeous with my perfumes.

I love the finished process. I feel so much better in my room. It feels brighter, more peaceful and relaxing. I now get the feeling I get when I go to a hotel to stay. There is no clutter, everything is organized and in its place. Things are so organized and clean that I will not dear put things out of place because I now the hard work that went into having my room to look like this! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Exercise and your health

Exercise should never be ignored even if you are slim. Exercise provides great benefits for the body and mind. Exercise reduce heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety. It also help to maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. There are tons more benefits of exercise. Exercise doesn't have to make you ripped, it should be enough to keep your heart rate high for 20-30 mins per day or even more. Find activities that interest you such as walking for 30 mins on lunch break. Go swimming on the weekends, jogging ...Exercise should be all about taking care of your body. If you are not taking care of your body, you will pay heavily for it. Don't make excuses for not being able to find time to exercise. 

Americans on a whole is not getting enough exercise. We all need to make exercising a lifestyle, not something you do sporadically. Taking care of your body while you are young will pay off when you are in your older age. 


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sleek bun

I flat ironed my natural hair. It has been 5 days and it is still looking great. I don't use any gels or promade because I do not want to way my hair down. I use argan oil every few days to moisturize. I don't even wrap it at night. I just leave it in a bun and refix it in the morning. The bun is a store bought hair doughnut. 

                                                     Decorative hair pins to spice up the look. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Color Natural Hair!!!!!!!!

I used the Clairol Natural Instinct in black to color my hair. Paid $6.99 at walmart. It is a temporary hair color, which perfect for type 4 kinky hair. The box said it last 28 shampoos. I don't believe natural hair should be permanent color because it will most likely lead to hair damage, especially if it is a lighter color than the hair that's being colored. Permanent color deposit color to the inner layer of the hair. 

Before color

                                                                   During Color
 This color relaxed my curls for the most part. It made my hair look like 4a hair. I know i have 4b cottony hair, with 4a in the nape. I didn't experience any breakage. My hair felt strong and moisturized during and after the process.
(TIP) apply the color with long sleeve and put vaseline around hairline and ears because the dye will dye your skin.

                                                     After color