
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Silk Elements relaxer (Relaxer review)

A product thumbnail of MegaSilk Relaxer with Shea Butter

I had dry and dull hair even after deep conditioning weekly and doing frequent cowashes per week. I was using no-lye relaxer at the time and I discovered everywhere that no-lye leaves mineral deposit on the hair and cause it to be dry and brittle. I even purchased Keracare chelating shampoo and used Ors aloe rid shampoo to try to remove the minerals but my hair was still dry and brittle. 

So I decide to purchase the silk element relaxer in regular because I've read so many good reviews about this relaxers. I used this relaxer for about a year and a half.  I used it for this long because I tried to make the relaxer work and plus I was relaxing every 4-6 months. This relaxer burned the crap out of my scalp every time I used it even after basing my scalp with vaseline and mixing the relaxer with oil. Mixing the relaxer caused some parts of my hair to be under processed. I decide to switch because I felt that I would damage my scalp with this relaxer. I had a 15 oz full jar in my stash and I gave it away to someone else that like the relaxer. 

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